But Dropbox has not given up just yet. Just yesterday, the company made a big announcement; they introduced the Dropbox for Business service, a new app called Carousel and the Android version of a year old app called Mailbox.
Dropbox for Business is a new service that allows businesses to buy a large number of Dropbox accounts for their employees and even manage those accounts on the fly. Simply put, the service gives admins complete access to remote wipe, transfer or share files that employees have access to.
This makes it a lot easier for their business customers to share and manage audits in a secure manner. Another new feature that will arrive soon will be Project Harmony.
This feature will allow multiple employees to access the same file while making edits and commenting on a single document all at once. As you can see, these are services that Google already has on offer.
Next up, is the Carousel app which is available for iOS and Android. It is basically a gallery app that “forces” you to upload your memories to Dropbox. Yes, you have to log into your Dropbox account to open the app.
Inside, Dropbox gives you the “privilege” to sort your albums which will be accessible via your account; share those images with friends and comment on them as well. Yes, there is no way to opt out of the image uploading process since they have been set to sync automatically.
The timeline feature is a pretty nifty but we must confess that the whole app simply has one evil purpose—uploading your photos to Dropbox.
Download the Apps Here
Mailbox finally comes to Android! Well, it’s a whole year late and yes, it does not support any account apart from iCloud and Gmail. We love the design of the app just like we loved the iOS version and the added functions as well. What we did not like is its inability to attach files to a new email which is something that other mail apps do offer. Also similar to the Carousel app, you only have the option to upload from your Dropbox account which is pretty lame.
While Mailbox is now available for Android, Carousel is available on both Android and iOS platforms.
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